In the previous posts, I have shown how to use the Ecos to drive a train and use the S88 sensor.
Now, I’m going to explain how to control the turnout.
If you have read all my articles, I have installed tortoise engine to move the turnout. I have chosen a SwitchPilot from Esu.
These modules, very interessant, can’t directly control the tortoise motor ! So, I use a little adaptator.
A quick test with a lab permits to validate the scheme.
For the power supply, we have two solutions ; use the track power ; or use an external power. For our test, it isn’t important. In the final solution, I’ll use an external power.
The tortoise motors provide two inversors. I use an inversor to power the turnout core and an other inversor to use the “Railcom” feeback.
Indeed, the Esu module has feeback inputs.
In our case, we can check that the turnout is in the good position. It’s very usefull in a hidden section.
If you read forum, we can learn some pepole modify their turnouts : why ? The turnout core can be power with two different signals. In some cases, the mobile turnout part can produce a short-circuit when it is in contact with the track. With tortoise, we don’t need to modify the turnout.
The last step is the ecos configuration. I enable the “Railcom” feature.
Then in the accessories section :
I create a new accessoire.
Warning the switchpilot has 4 output and 2 servo-motors ; so, it uses 6 addresses. From the CV we define the first address for the 4 outputs ; and the second address for the 2 others outputs.
When the ecos asks us the module address (or to be exact, the output address where is plugged the motor), it asks to us the article ‘n’. The real address is show at the right of the number field.
Finally, we can test the motor turnout.
To end, I have looked how to drive a turnout with several motors ; exemple double junction turnout.
The ecos knows to drive them very easily. The ecos use two addresses ; the address ‘n’ and the address ‘n+1’.
All is ready, now the mass production…
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