PlayCloud story – first birthday

PlayCloud a maintenant un an, et donc fête son premier anniversaire 🙂

Le développement de PlayCloud a commencé sur la plateforme BlackBerryâ„¢ PlayBook. J’avais en effet besoin d’accéder facilement à mes documents locaux mais aussi sur des services de cloud tels que Box, Dropbox… Afin d’avoir une application suffisamment fluide et rapide, j’ai fait le choix de l’ActionScriptâ„¢ en utilisant le BlackBerryâ„¢ Air SDK.

PlayCloud now one year old, and is celebrating its first anniversary 🙂

Development PlayCloud began on BlackBerry PlayBookâ„¢ platform. Indeed I need easy access to my local documents but also on cloud services such as Box, Dropbox … In order to have a smooth, flow and fast application, I made the choice of using the ActionScriptâ„¢ BlackBerryâ„¢ Air SDK.

I decided to publish my application on the BlackBerryâ„¢ portal : the AppWorld. Following the enthusiasm of many users, while successive versions are: adding features, changes, improvements …

After the BlackBerryâ„¢ JAM event in Paris in June 2012, I then received a BlackBerryâ„¢ Dev Alpha A – the BlackBerryâ„¢ Z10 future!

Things went so quickly accelerated, new tools, new SDK … Briefly the BlackBerryâ„¢ 10 success story is launched.

PlayCloud has been written from scratch. The BlackBerry Cascadesâ„¢ SDK is then imposed as a highlight : native solution (C / C++, Qt ..), integration with the OS, possibility of using Open Source software components, especially The development environment is available under Linux.

This application has achieved the Built for BlackBerry™ designation. This means that it has been through a rigorous approval process at RIM and will deliver a quality BlackBerry® 10 experience.

Today PlayCloud continues to evolve and supports : Box, Dropbox, SkyDrive, Google Drive, SugarSync, but also classic WebDAV, FTP … PlayCloud also supports network printers.

In addition, PlayCloud can share documents or media with your contacts via BlackBerry Messenger, Mail, SMS or via social networks LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook …

PlayCloud is still very young, the best is yet to come.

PlayCloud will be on the BlackBerry PlayBookâ„¢ tablet as Cascades will be available for this platform.

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