Category Archives: BlackBerry
PlayCloud & PhotoWall 3D designed for BlackBerry 10
We have great BlackBerry 10 devices ; and now I want a WoW application with smooth effects. I like the Cooliris application on iOS and instead of waiting a bring on our devices, I have implemented mine. The main idea is : see all your local photos on a wall – so it’s an infinite wall – PhotoWall will be able to browse all your folders recursively to add photos on the wall. Link with PlayCloud, you will be able …
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PlayCloud & BES10
PlayCloud story – first birthday
PlayCloud a maintenant un an, et donc fĂŞte son premier anniversaire 🙂 Le dĂ©veloppement de PlayCloud a commencĂ© sur la plateforme BlackBerry™ PlayBook. J’avais en effet besoin d’accĂ©der facilement Ă mes documents locaux mais aussi sur des services de cloud tels que Box, Dropbox… Afin d’avoir une application suffisamment fluide et rapide, j’ai fait le choix de l’ActionScript™ en utilisant le BlackBerry™ Air SDK. PlayCloud now one year old, and is celebrating its first anniversary 🙂 Development PlayCloud began on …
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PlayCloud – Built for BlackBerry 10
For BlackBerry PlayBook owners, you may know PlayCloud ; a files explorer with different clouds such Dropbox, Box, SkyDrive, Google Drive. PlayCloud has been written in ActionScript ; a native solution for PlayBook. PlayCloud is brung on the new BlackBerry 10 device ; then written from scratch in C/C++ for the core and Qt/Qml for UI. The new application name is PlayCloud 10. In using the BlackBerry Cascades framework, PlayCloud 10 has a power, flow and fast UI. The application …
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BlackBerry 10 for the french people
We can see more and more posts about the new BlackBerry incoming devices in the news : BlackBerry 10. But what are about the applications for us the french ? Here some applications screenshots… I’ll try to share with you others infos about the applications for the french…
PlayCloud – SkyDrive support on the road
Few words about PlayCloud news and development. The SkyDrive cloud service provided by Microsoft will be soon supported on PlayCloud…
PlayCloud & Bridge support
To follow the user issues about the PlayCloud bridge support, I have decided to write this post to explain more the usage So, the bridge can’t be enabled from PlayCloud itself. Indeed, RIM doesn’t provide to developer the API to do it. Here, the process to use the Bridge. I assume that the bridge has already been used on your device and you are able to use mail, BlackBerry Messenger, tasks, memos… It’s important to unlock the bridge. Indeed, enable …
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PlayCloud – release 0.4.0
ProgWeb is prod to announce a new PlayCloud release. This new release brings up some fixes and the Box cloud storage service. PlayCloud is now available in french and in english ; other translations are planned. If you want to add a translation, please to contact me. Other news and features are in devel, such as the new BlackBerry 10 mobile generation (here the BlackBerry 10 dev alpha).