Tag Archives: Linux
Rocrail & Rocview configuration
For those who have followed the previous articles, you must have read that I want to do a digital network to be able to control it via a computer, a phone or a tablet. The interest is to have an interface as user friendly as possible and especially to overcome the limitations of a central (in my case to the ecos ESU). Eventually, my network must be fully automated or not. Either the computer controls the trains following a schedule …
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SignatureTool & BlackBerry JDK & IPv6
A new post to update the post about “Devel on a BlackBerry device”. If your system suppots the IPv6 protocol ; the SignatureTool tool doesn’t work To work, you have to only add a command line option to force the tool to work with the IPv4 protocol. So the command is : $ java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -jar SignatureTool.jar This option is true for all Java applications aren’t compliant with IPv6.
OpenSync install
OpenSync is a synchronization framework that will be a platform independent and in particular Linux. OpenSync is modular : a core and plugins for content formats and different kind of connection types. It should allow it to be a solution to synchronize PIM (Personal Information Management – addressbook contacts, calendar events and tasks, personal notes, etc) data between mobile devices like mobile phones, PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant), desktop computer PIM tools.
As I’m used to use and contribute to OpenSync project, you’ll find a post about
the installation.
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ProgWeb IPv6 support
Maybe that somebody have noticed that ProgWeb is available from an IPv6 network. Indeed, I have added the IPv6 support for my web server for some days. So, I’ll write in the next days some articles to configure an IPv6 network on Linux (dual stack IPv4/IPv6, firewall, bridging…). For the moment, a little plugin for word-press called “IPv6Detector” (written by Andres Altamirano).